Thursday, August 15, 2013

Part I: Choose a Smartphone Smartly

After the countless years that your phone has faithfully serviced you, it finally gave in. Some good things just never last, and that’s just one of the bitter truths we need to accept. You have hardly even seen that this is coming. Sadly and unfortunately, no replacement parts could salvage your phone as it has reached its end.

But then again, why don’t you just look at the brighter side? I’m sorry for your loss, and that may even include those important data that you can no longer recover, but you now have a chance to replace your phone! Considering all the innovated phone models available online and in-store, you will drop your jaw in no time! But here’s the catch: because of a lot of choices, you may get stuck in rut on choosing which smartphone will suffice your needs. If you’re having hard times on choosing the handheld device that will win your heart, you better try out these quick guides so you could decide which gizmo makes it worth for putting your money on:

#1: Choose the right Operating System

There are four mobile operating systems that are available out in the market currently. But of course, you must choose which one you should bet before you regret. Not to say that one of them isn’t worth a try, but they just have their own pitfalls. The two dominating mobile operating systems that I can pinpoint right off the bat are Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android. The former runs for iDevices only, while the latter runs on literally hundreds of different devices. Not wanting to be left out, the other two mobile operating systems are Microsoft’s Windows Phone and BlackBerry’s BB10. When you are making your mind up on choosing the right platform, it’s important that you consider your personal needs or preferences so you’d know how to settle with what these mobile platforms can offer.

#2: Select the best Brand

When you’re done choosing the platform, you are now subject to twist your brain on choosing the brand. There are several brands out there that might indeed leave you brain-twisted. If you like iOS, there’s only one brand; ergo, iPhone versions are your only options. Android gets a little tough since it is being run on lots of devices. HTC struggles to make ends meet and is said to produce this year’s outstanding handset in the HTC One. You want something different? Try out Lumia phones from Nokia and experience the Windows Phone breezily. You might want to make your options open with LG’s improving hardware.

#3: Consider your budget

Evidently, these nifty gadgets come with a price. And so, it’s your call if you would make a big deal out of it so you won’t spend the money you don’t have. Bear in mind that not all those which are trending are worth trying—especially when you aren’t really in need of them. As you consider practicality, let not your needs be compromised if that’s what you are really after. But if you really yearn for high-end handheld gadget, wide screen with high resolution display, and lightning fast processors, then you must prepare yourself in spending a pretty penny.

These are just the first three things you need to consider before heading on buying mobile phone accessories. Stay tuned for more!

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