Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Use Your Charger Wisely

When we bought our hard-earned, nifty smartphone, it comes in a box that includes earphones, the phone itself, manual, and the charger. We overuse the phone and earphones, and we hardly read the manual. We only know chargers if our phone’s battery ran out of juice. But what we often overlook at times are things that really deserve attention. These accessories need more attention than you think even from all-posh phones to cheap mobile phones. Let the focus be on chargers.

Chargers, which are notoriously diverse, are not really chargers as what we ought to think of them. They are only power adapters that give a power source for the charging circuitry. It can either be a cell phone charger, battery charger for vehicles, stationary battery plants, and *insert all man-made chargers here*. We all need them to sustain the functionality of our gadgets. So if you want your phone to be recharged again, better take care of your portable chargers. Here are some quick guides on taking care of your mobile phone chargers:

#1: Don’t use your charger in tight places. This applies more to tropical countries. If you neglect this, overheating may arise which can lead to malfunction of charger, or worse, fire.

#2: Plug the charger on its appropriate voltage. Some chargers need their voltage regulated right, or else, you can bid goodbye to your device. Although chargers nowadays are already flexible when it comes to voltage, just be mindful of some that sticks to their own voltage rate. Check your manual to be guided. Make use of it.

#3: Unplug charger if not in use. Like every other resource, you’ve got to learn how to use it; you’ve got to learn how to save it. But, go easy on unplugging it, for it may damage the charger. Unplug it like how you have plugged it—don’t just pull its cord.

#4: Keep it in a dry place. All the electrically driven devices need to be kept in a dry place, and same is true with your charger. Make sure your hands are dry when you are going to plug your charger to the circuit. And one more thing, remove any possible conductive materials that could trigger short circuit. It’s better to prevent accidents than be electrocuted! Yikes!

#5: Clean it with care. Once in a while, we have to clean or devices to prolong their good functionality. But, when we’re talking about gadgets, liquid solutions would never be an option. You just have to wipe it with a soft, clean, and dry cloth to wipe away all kinds of debris or dust. Don’t even think about using damp cloths! Just keep the cleaning cloth dry, and it will do what it has to do.

It’s best to take care of your chargers so you wouldn’t be obliged to buy a new one which may cost a lot. Don’t even think of settling with replica ones, or you’ll be damaging your phone extensively in no time. If it malfunctioned, don’t attempt to repair it. Go to the nearest authorized repair depot so they could resolve the issue. 

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